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Auto Workshop

Entrepreneur Uses a Cash Out on Industrial Warehouse Property to Set Up Auto Workshop


An entrepreneur with 15 years of experience in the auto industry owns a two year old industrial warehouse in Pennsylvania, valued at $1,500, 000.

Financing Need

The entrepreneur needed $350, 000 to set up an auto workshop in Allen town, PA. The amount included $100, 000 for working capital and $250,000 for capital improvements cost and equipment purchases.


Financing Solution

Biz2Credit reviewed the business needs as well as the personal financial statement of the entrepreneur. Based on the estimated value of the industrial warehouse, Biz2Credit recommended applying for a cash out on the industrial warehouse. A commercial loan would be cheaper and faster funding source than unsecured or equipment backed financing.


  • Received funding in 30 days
  • Length of loan term set at 20 years
  • Saved 2 percent on interest rate


  • Working capital access
  • Longer loan term than equipment financing
  • Lower monthly payments than equipment financing
  • Flexibility to increase funding up to 80 percent of property value

An entrepreneur with 15 years of experience in the auto industry owns a two year old industrial warehouse in Pennsylvania, valued at $1,500, 000.