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MAR 18, 2022

AWBC & Biz2Credit on 2022 Women-Owned Business Study


There are nearly 13 million women-owned businesses in the United States as of early 2022, but financially and economically many women-owned businesses remain underserved by the traditional financing industry. Policymakers, private companies and advocacy organizations have continued to make efforts to provide expanded access to capital for women-owned businesses. The recent Biz2Credit 2022 Women-Owned Business Study shows some of the ways that these efforts are having an effect, and opens up numerous topics for discussion in relation to the future for women-owned companies.

This Special Event will give business owners a chance to hear from U.S. Congresswoman Carolyn Bourdeaux (D-GA), a member of the House Small Business Committee, on how the Federal government and private industry are collaborating to support women business owners during the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond. The Congresswoman and panelists from the sponsor companies will discuss the success of government initiatives, including the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) that provided a financial lifeline to small businesses that were negatively impacted by shutdowns and reduced economic activity caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Discussion topics included:

  • Learn about initiatives the Federal government is considering next that may provide further support to women-owned small businesses.
  • The Congresswoman will respond to business owner questions.
  • Learn from the AWBC how Women's Business Centers have played an important role in expanding prosperity for women-owned businesses.
  • Prepare for what's coming next with Biz2Credit's review of future business financing option and the economic circumstances facing women business owners.

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Read the annual Women-Owned Business Study:

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