All stories are real, as told by real business owners. Customers do not receive monetary compensation for telling their stories.
Hawk-N-Trans Trucking

Distributor Services Seasonal Demand with an Unsecured Line of Credit


An entrepreneur owns and operates a heating oil distribution company based in Connecticut. Service demand rises during the winter months.

The Need

To meet the seasonal demand, the owner needs financing to increase payroll and inventory.

Small Business Loan Solution

After reviewing the business and personal financials of the entrepreneur, Biz2Credit recommended taking an unsecured line of credit. Unlike a term loan, a line of credit gave the owner the ability to pay interest only on the amount of money used. The owner could increase revenues without incurring extra interest payments if demand for services fell short of expectations. Biz2Credit surveyed various financial options and targeted two lending institutions. Biz2credit insured that the line of credit available will grow with the business.


  • Owner received a line of credit of $250,000 within 20 days
  • Line was provided at prime rate


  • Additional working capital to service new demand
  • Larger marketing budget
  • Annual revenue increase by over $150,000
  • Owner received a line of credit of $250,000 within 20 days